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Biskra University was chosen to host the launch of the awareness days of student sports decision. Therefore, the great lecture hall witnessed on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, the launch of this event, in the presence of the University Rector, Mr. Mahmoud Dababeche, the university staff, managers, as well as students and teachers. Guests attended, as the representative of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Mr. Azzedine Rabika, the Director of Youth and Sports of Biskra, Mr. Nabil Hadid, the representative of the People's Wilaya Assembly, as well as Mr. Riad Boukhbala, member of the Joint National Committee for the Promotion of University Sports.

FB IMG 1700118195614In the multi-sports hall, on Wednesday morning, November 15, 2023, the ISTPSA organized a study day on the principles of first aid, under the supervision of Dr. Fatima Zahra Zeidan. In cooperation with the Civil Protection of the Wilaya of Biskra, and the Algerian Red Crescent,
the Director of the Institute, a representative of Civil Protection, a member of the Red Crescent, along with teachers and students of the Institute, all attended the event. The meeting began with an opening speech by Dr. Fatima Al-Zahra Zeidan, in which she urged the need
for sports’ students to have some basic knowledge in the field of first aid and use it for injured students inside or outside the sports hall. Similarly, the Director of the ISTPSA, Mr. Hamid Dechri, valued the efforts of the representatives of the Civil Protection Sector and the Red
Crescent for their cooperation in order to provide students with the basic principles of first aid, which contributes to the development of students in their university career. Then, the representative of Civil Protection, Mr. Hafedh Mechraoui, and the nutrition doctor Mr. Mohamed Al-Amine Barket, called on the students to have a health and emergency culture, which has become a necessity for everyone, especially for the sports student.

FB IMG 1700118476383The faculty of Sciences and Technology organized on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, a training day in the discussion hall of the department of Architecture for third-stage doctorate students. The Vice-rector for Scientific Research and Rehabilitation, Mr. Salim Bitam, and the Dean of the faculty, Mr. Hatem Ghodbane opened the event. This scientific initiative aims to explain and simplify the writing of a scientific article with excellence that meets all the conditions for publication in internationally ranked journals.




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 On Thursday, November 16, 2023, the Laboratory of Economic and anagement Sciences, the research team The Practice of Governance Application in Public and Private Economic Institutions”, organized a study day on the reality of budgetary reform under Organic Law 18-15, related to finance laws in the Great Lecture Hall Omar Assassi.